SSJ4 gogeta is stronger than ssj2 vegito but in a fight vegito would win. Because due to his immense ki ssj4 gogeta defuses after only 10 mins so after that VEGITO RULES!!! and even he can access ssj4 if need be, yes he could have finished of super buu he didn't to save the other's inside him
is that possible that gogeta ssj3 can beat mysyic gohan,buu,gotenks ssj3 and piccalo full power goku ssj3 powerlevel =60and vegeta ssj3 power level =50 fusion power level=10 so gogeta ssj3 powerlevel=120 and mystic gohan power level=65 and gotenks ssj3 powerlevel=60 buu power level=59.13 piccalo power level =20 so buuhan power level=184.13 so buuhan is stronger if it was ssj4 gogeta than gogeta ssj4 power level=200 and is base vegito =750 because of potara rival boost and awaken power level and super vegito 1000 and ssj4 vegito power level 7500000.
ssj4 gogeta
Well for SSJ4 Gogeta you can fight omega shenron and win to achieve him (I personally brought him for the random box in the shop.) For SSJ2 GOGETA you fight gotenks to achieve him. Look on youtube on how to achieve them.
their many many people who can beat ssj4 gogeta but ssj4 gogeta is one of the strongest his big bang kamehameha is 500 (with 155,000 zeros) times stronger than cuck norrisses round houser kick with is a thousand trillion super novas at once
Gogeta ssj4 is a omniverse buster and faster than warp speed and he wins easily
If Vegito became a Super Saiyan 4 he would be far stronger than Gogeta.
come on use some mind vegito base is stronger than gogeta ssj4 and gogeta ssj4 is stronger than ssj4 goku and ssj4vegeta and also plus vegito base is strongest person in dbgt,dbz and db.vegito is stronger twice as goku ssj4 and vegeta ssj4.
Vegito. Even in his base form because potara makes him 10000 gogeta would have to go ssj 10000000 to tie vegito base and to tie vegito ssj4 he would have to go 40000000000000000.
gogeta ssj4 power=6.5 and galictus 67 and vegito base=750 hundred vegito is stronger
gogeta. ssj4 goku and ssj4 vegeta together super saiyan. he hurt omega shenron earths strongest villain by looking at him Actually, it's vegito. Vegito is the result of the potara earrings, which is stronger than the dance. It vegito could go ssj4, he would have had a power level like 5x stronger than ssj4 gogeta. Since he can't look at the title. It says ssj1. Ssj1 gogeta is weaker than ssj1 vegito. Or even normal vegito.
INCORRECT Vegito is stronger because his fusion last WAY MORE LONGER than Gogeta's. And if you see that if you watched DBGT everyone thinks that he is the strongest but when Vegito turns into SSJ3 (which is not real just fanfics) he has surpassed SSJ4 Gogeta.
of course gogeta ssj4
cell is far stronger than ssj4 gogeta
Vegito is stronger as he can go Super Saiyan blue. He is also stronger as Gogeta has a time limit of 30mins and Vegito is unlimited. vegito also gets a power boost from the patora earrings which makes him even stronger.
goku is stronger because ssj4 goku has the power of great ape also there is just one person goku cannot beat name of that person is vegito.
actually vegito is stronger. 1. the maker(akira toriyama) said so 2. portara fusion is 100X stronger than the metamorphan(fusion dance) 3. SSJ4 gogeta is about as strong ssj3 vegetto- it is believed by many that vegetto can go up to ssj 3 or 4. he can because Vegetto is stronger than goku who is a ssj 3.
cell is way stronger than ssj4 gogeta