You cannot obtain Castform in-game. However, you can obtain one Through pokewalker on the course Treehouse but I can't go into detail as I don't understand it that much.
poke walker route: tree house
no no it just changes form
never ever does
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
poke walker route: tree house
You can find the Pokemon Castform in the Trophy Garden in Pokemon Diamond, although it is a pretty rare chance.
You can't get Castform in SoulSliver without trading or migrating.
Yes it is
If you breed with a list of Pokemon (which includes Muk) then you can get a baby castform.
Castform is #351 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Castform can be found in the Trophy Garden in Pokémon Diamond.
Castform cannot evolve, but it changes forms depending on the weather condition.
yes they can like cherrim and castform
In the trophy garden
no no it just changes form