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you cant, you have to put the foundation down first, then put the wall on top of the foundation (like around the edge of the foundation)

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Q: How do you put a foundation against a wall in sims 3?
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If you mean put new wallpaper in your house, go to move/sell items and click on the wall. If you mean buy new wallpaper, I'm supposing it's in the sims store.

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Go to build mode and on the bluescript of the house you will see wallpaper. Click on that and then choose what paint you want. Then click the wall you want to put it on.

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You have to have a stretch of wall, and just roll your mouse on the wall and it should automatically put it tere when you click. If its on an easel, just go into buy mode and pick it up with the hand off the easel

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What does your back is against the wall mean?

The term "your back is against the wall" means that you have reached a point where you have no other options. When your back is against the wall you have no other course than to either give up or move forward and face what has you backed against the wall. Since this question was put into the Christian category I will answer it as a Christian. There will be times in your life that things will go wrong. It will seem that all things are against you and you have your back against the wall with no way out. I fully believe that Satan makes you feel like you have been abandoned and unloved so that you will give up. This is a lie. God will never abandon you. I have had my back against the wall countless times in my life and each time God has saved me. When my back is against the wall it gives me time to pray to God that He will help and deliver me. He has never failed me. Also when your back is against the wall it gives you something to push off from. When your back is against the wall, Look up!