I found a code... BoolProp forceboys 100 or if you want girls, same code but put girls in the place of boys
- familyfunds [family last name] [amount of money, do not put commas] ex: familyfunds mattews 9000000 how can u get the money XD motherlode - for 50,000 (yes, that is how you spell it) kaching - for 1,000
The first dog and cat in the Stray families will appear in the bins when a controllable Sim visits the lot.
clean petgo to grooming table and put bandages on itleave for 5 days and it will be healed
I'm giving advice by the 4 Sim games I have played since you did not provide the version of Sims game in the question. Sims 2 on PS2, The Urbz: Sims in the city, The Sims: Nightlife expansion, and The Sims: Life Stories. There should be an option in your cell phone or wall phone which says Move Out. If not try the Taxi stand outside. If these 2 fail, exit the house to neighborhood view. There should be an option for Sim creation and Lot creation. Inside one of those there should be an option to move the Sim family to the storage bin or to evict the family and automatically put them in the storage bin. Hope this helps.
I don't know about Sims Life Stories but in Sims 2(ps2) one of my Sims died from lack of food and water. When I put her in a room with no doors, but she eventaly died. So YES your Sims can die.OF COURSE YOU CAN Just make em die of starvation or sumthing
well you put them in bed and try for a baby. if that does not work then try whoo. it worked for me before if not then sorry.
on the sims 2 pets how can you get your sim abducted? um buy a telescope from the pause menu and go to skill and you will find the telescope put it outside and when it is night you can go out and use the telescope you will have to wait for a while and when you see a sign at the top of the screen it will say aliens are coming to abduct you they will get you and return you when you get back make sure to use the bathroom cause your sim will throw up.
Yes you can just 1 buy a telescope 2 put it out side of your house 3 stargaze when it is dark not every time you stargaze you get abducted so just keep trying
I'm pretty sure there is no pet stores in sims 2, not that i have seen anyway, so unless you create the pet, you cannot put a collar on it. i believe it is the 4th or 5th option when creating a pet in your sims family, to choose a collar, or not. if you call the pet adoption service, the pet comes as is.
download it from da sims2.com OR you can create a downloads folder in documents/electronic arts/sims life stories, then, extract all flies from websites like raonsims.com and put them in the newly created folder, you can actually use sims 2 items to use in the games, but be warned, that some items wont work, but almost everything from raonsims.com will
I found a code... BoolProp forceboys 100 or if you want girls, same code but put girls in the place of boys
delete item
yes you can in a way. You can buy the sims 2 pets and apartment life and you can put them together by mushing them and there you have it. that's how you get sims 2 pets in sims 2 apartment life.
Hold Ctrl, Shift, and C all at the same time. A long, thin box will appear at the top of the screen and that's where you enter your cheat.
Just start cooking something on your stove then when it is cooking cancel the activity or whatever and make them do something else so they wont go back to it. If you don't want to put it out don't put in a fire alarm.