You can not put your child up for adoption on The Sims 3. Though, that would be cool if you could!
You can sell them or put the pets up for adoption.
Use the phone. It's under Call>Service. When the pop-up comes up you need to choose the adoption service. Your sim must be in the adult life stage for the adoption service to appear in the list of services.
Click on a phone or the cell phone in your inventory, and then click "Call Services". A list of different services should pop up, such as the pizzaman and the adoption center. You cannot put children in the adoption center unless you neglect them, if that is what you mean instead.
To keep your kid in school in the Sims 1 or 2 or 3 you have to make sure they are up and that they catch the bus. As long as they don't skip school they should be fine. It really is easy:)
To put furniture away you either go to the backpack on your Sims info and get the item and click it then the item that pops up on the inventory. You don't just need Sims 2 pets!!!
I'm not sure that you can...?
If the social worker takes your kid away, they end up in the adoption pool and other sims can adopt them via the phone.
Of course.
You can sell them or put the pets up for adoption.
he doesn't grow up in fable 3 he just stays a annoying kid. so either put him up for adoption or kill your wife. and the kid will go straight to the orphanage.
yes they did put jennet up for adoption
No, but you can give them up for adoption or give up your parental rights.
By finalizing the adoption, the child becomes legally the same as a biological child with the same rights. Before the adoption is finalized, the kid is simply a kid living in the same building. If the parent dies without a will, the kid gets nothing. Also, if the biological parent wants the kid back and the adoption is not finalized, all the biological parent needs to do is pick up the kid. If the adoption is finalized, there must be a court hearing.
No. Orthodox Jews cannot put their children up for adoption.
yes!I am soory for your loss.
kill it
There are many teen mothers willing to put their children up for adoption. Going to a good adoption agency is key. Most of the mothers are young unwed mothers.