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You need a paralyz berry or a full heal. Hoped this helped.:-]

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Q: What potion do you use for a paralyzed Pokemon?
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How do you get your Pokemon not to die in diamond?

Use a potion.

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How do you use a potion in Pokemon crater?

You cannot use a potion when battling an opponent because the potion hasn't been programed to work yet in Pokemon crater. You can use it while battling wild pokemon.

Can you use a Trainer Switch card on your paralyzed Pokemon to return it to the bench I does say that paralyzed Pokemon can not retreat or attack?

Yes you can. If you really want to use stratagy, play a Switch and put up a Pokemon with a free retreat cost and you can retreat back, thus healing your Pokemon and allowing you to attack again

What does it when your Pokemon is paralyzed?

Use a Paralyz heal or Full Heal. They are very cheap at PokeMarts.

How do you mega evolve in unova rpg?

Do not give it to your Pokemon to hold, use it on your Pokemon like you would a potion.

What does the ability mold breaker in Pokemon do?

It lets that Pokemon use moves without the other Pokemon's abilities interfering. Like, you can use physical moves on Pokemon with static without becoming paralyzed, or you can use any move on a Pokemon with wonderguard.

Where are the Psyduck to give the potion to on Pokemon pearl?

The Psyduck are at the northern part of Route 210, standing in the way of the path. These are the Psyduck you will need to use the Secret Potion on.

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What is the best place to level up Pokemon in Pokemon tower defense?

in the red shop or if you have a potion you should buy 300% potion

How do you catch Pokemon easy on Pokemon emerald?

Pokemon are easily caught is their health is in the red zone, they are poisioned, paralyzed or lulled to sleep. Use ultra balls for more effectivness.Use a Masterball.

Where do you get super potion in Pokemon Crystal?

go to the pokemon mart and buy it