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Net Ball, anyways its better than other balls except Master Ball.

Yeah. Use a Net Ball. It would also be a good idea to put Kyorge to sleep. I havn't caught him yet though. You should save your game before you battle a ledgendary pokemon so if you don't catch it, then you can go back and try again. :D Good luck!

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Q: Which is the best pokeball to catch kyogre?
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What is the best pokeball?

he's right but if ou have emerald you need a masterball for kyogre

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the best pokeball to catch suicune with is a great ball

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Just be paitent and catch it with a pokeball!

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Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.

How do you get Kyogre in Pokemon?

When kyogre life is low get the pokeball putit on head thean get it again on same lv. Put it on its back dead center. Then same lv. Put pokeball on kyogre's pee-pee

How do you catch a kyogre?

easy just make its hp really low and use ultra balls no need for master ball or buy a lot of pokeballs, weaken it to red and then trhow them. I caught my Kyogre after the 8th pokeball.

What is the best ball to catch kyogre?

Net ball.

What is the best Pokemon to use to catch moltres?

the best Pokemon is kyogre

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you can't catch monferno wild you have to evolve it from a chimchar

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you use a timer ball

What pokeball best to catch kryogre?

a netball or a ultra ball