You can catch any legendary Pokemon with an ultra ball as long as you get their hp down and you have to have a lot of them. Try to put it to sleep or paralyze it to make the catch easier.
Dive ball.
you use a pokeball
an ultra ball
Just be paitent and catch it with a pokeball!
a ultraball or a master ball
a pokeball
Which pokeball should you use to catch victini. Well i used the normal pokeball but in my opinion i think that you should use the ultra pokeball
Any Pokeball works. A master ball would be the best though. Just take a look at the special abilities of the pokeballs you have (unless it is a normal pokeball) and then choose which one would be a good one to use. . backward sentence
If you have a catch pokeball jush cach.
Any pokeball will do it. The trick is to use a move that stops it from running away and then you can catch it!
You can use any pokeball unfortunately it has a low catch rate so it can be difficult to catch it even with a ultra ball
use a pokeball or a gameshark :p
use a pokeball...
master ball.
Dive ball.
you use a pokeball