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A Master Ball

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Q: What is the best pokeball to catch Mesprit with in diamond version?
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In Pokemon Platinum Version what type of pokeball do you use to catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?

In Pokemon Platinum Version, what type of pokeball do you use to catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?Use dusk balls and timerballs later on, use a pokeball if u want, for mesprit it's a quick ball.

Pokemon Diamond- Do you need a special pokeball to catch mestpiret and the others?

No. Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf can be caught normally, they're just extremely hard (especially Mesprit).

Where do you catch mesprit on Pokemon diamond?


What pokeball is best to catch uxie mesprit and azelf instead of masterballs?

ALOTof ultra balls

Can you catch one of the three Pokemon of the lakes in diamond version?

you can catch all of them after you free them from team galactic, just surf to the middle of the lakes, mesprit runs and you have to find it in the wild

An easy way to catch Darkrie in Pokemon Diamond?

Get a pokeball.......

Which pokeball do you use to catch azelf in diamond?

It doesn't matter.

Can you catch esprit in soul silver?

No, you cannot catch Mesprit in either of those games. To get Mesprit you can:Trade over the GTSTrade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platnium

How does a poketech help you catch Mesprit in Pokemon diamond?

If you have the marking map it will track mesprit, just don't fly.

What poke ball can catch Mesprit?

Any kind of pokeball can catch Mersprit, but it is best to use a Pokemon with mean look if you have troubles with it running away.

How can you catch Thunderus in Pokemon Black Version?

Throw a pokeball at it.

What do you do after you free mesprit in Pokemon diamond?

I think you go and catch it in it's cave.