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You get the Marsh badge from defeating Sabrina, who is the gym leader in Saffron City. Sabrina uses psychic Pokemon.

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Q: Where do you go to get your marsh badge in Pokemon Blue?
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To find HM 05 Defog, go to the Great Marsh and pick up the pokeballs on the floor until you get it. You'll need the Relic Badge and the Fen Badge to use it. (AKA, Gym badge 4 and 5)

Where to go after safron city?

you go to fushia city to battle koga and claim your marsh badge

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You go to get your 7th Badge in Mossdeep City.

What do you do when you get your 7 badge in Pokemon soul silver?

go back to cinnabar island and talk to blue then head to virdian gym. :-)

Seventh badge on Pokemon Blue?

go to pallet town and swim down to cinabar island and get the key in the mansion and go the gym and unlock the door and there you go

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Go to lavaridge town for your next badge.

How do you get the last kanto gym badge in Pokemon soulsilver?

To get the last gym badge you have to go to cinnabar island and you will meet blue. he will tell you that he will be waiting in veridian city to battle you. when you go to veridian city you go to the gym and fight him at the end of the gym.

Where you get the earthbadge from Pokemon Blue?

Before the Earthbadge, you have to win the first seven badges from their respective gym leaders. (Boulder Badge-Brock-Pewter City; Cascade Badge-Misty-Cerulean City; Thunder Badge-Lt. Surge-Vermilion City; Rainbow Badge-Erika-Celadon City; Soul Badge-Koga-Fuchsia City; Marsh Badge-Sabrina-Saffron City; Volcano Badge-Blaine-Cinnabar Island.) Once you have received the first seven badges, you return to Viridian City and go to the gym to challenge Giovanni. Once you defeat him, he will reward you with the Earthbadge.

What do i do next after i get the 7th badge in Pokemon in emerald?

Go to the Pokemon league.

Where do you get the last gym badge in Kanto in soulsilver?

you have to get all of the other gym badges in kanto and then go to Cinnabarr island and talk to blue. then go to viridian city and go in the Pokemon gym!