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well it use to be but not so much now

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Q: Is Club Penguin really popular
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Who is king of Club Penguin?

There's nothing really like the king of club penguin. However, there are mascots of club penguin which are really popular and if you meet them, its as good as winning a lottery! The club penguin team is also very famous, and if you see one of them, well I can't express it, I've never met them.

Is zeezee2468 a popular penguin on Club Penguin?

No, he is not.

What is the most popular club?

Club Penguin!

How do you get more popular on Club Penguin?

I don't know how to get MORE POPULAR on CLUB PENGUIN But here's a way of getting more POPULAR in general... STOP PLAYING CLUB PENGUIN, then you're a shoe-in ;)

What is the most popular color of puffles in club penguin?

The most popular color of Puffles in Club Penguin is blue.

Is Herbert real on Club Penguin?

not really he is just a polar bear on club penguin you can not really meet him

Are Club Penguin popular?


Whose dark on Club Penguin?

A Penguin on Club Penguin Whom Also Has A YouTube Account In Which He Posts Videos About Club Penguin. His Videos Got Popular, So if You Hear Of Him On Club Penguin, That's The Reason.

Are there any club penguin money makers that work and will not get you banned?

Yes not the more popular ones though cause those are the ones that club penguin look and scan for. Just use one that isn't really popular and you should be ok.

Club penguin can you give me a club penguin membership code i really need 1?


What SiteBuilder did Club Penguin use?

a really good one considering how popular it is :{D :{D :{D :{D

What is the best igloo style in Club Penguin?

The most popular igloos on Club Penguin are forts.That is my opinion.