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Q: What is the name of the fish in Ice Fishing on Club Penguin?
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What is the name of the fish in ice fishing in club penguin?


What the name of the big fish on ice fishing club penguin?


Where is the fish catalogued in Club Penguin?

There is no fish catalog in Club penguin. How ever when you go to the ski lodge and you want to buy a fishing net there is a neon blue note by the door with a fishing pole and a fishing kit! Waddle around!! P'S On club penguin my name is Candy4573 I also have a you tube named:Cpfanify

What is the name of big fish in ice fishing?

The name of the big fish on Club Penguin is Guppy. Guppy is a mullet.The Mullet

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing club Penguin?

game master:that's easy it's called a mullet

What is the name of ice fishing club penguin?

I think it's Ice Fishing.

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishin on club penguin?


What is the name of the fish in Club Penguin?

game master:that's easy it's called a mullet

What is the name of the newspaper in Club Penguin?

the club penguin times

What is the name of the Club Penguin movie?

The Club Penguin Movie.

How can you get reported on Club Penguin?

its Easy just ask your friends in Club penguin get it? my name is Abigail2612 on club penguin

Why is Club Penguin based on penguins?

Clues in the name: club "penguin