Talk to the last woman at the counter in the goldenrod radio tower. You should get it there. In the kanto region though, you need to fix the power plant first. Then talk to the man in the brown suit near the elevator. He should give you the kanto radio card.
you beat the last gym leader in johnto
you have to beat the last gym leader
You get in right before getting the last badge.
you have to get all of the other gym badges in kanto and then go to Cinnabarr island and talk to blue. then go to viridian city and go in the Pokemon gym!
The last gym badge is in viridian city for Kanto. For Johto it is in Blackthorn city.
no. the battle at victory road is the last encounter with him.
you have to beat all the kanto gyms then go to cinnabar and talk to blue he will then go to the last gym and you can battle him there
after you defeat trainer blue, the last gym leader in kanto, talk to prof. oak. he will give it to you
The last Kanto gym is in Varidian City.
viridian city
go into veridian forest in kanto (after the elite 4) and the 2nd to last patch of grass has pikachus. They are very hard to find, so be patient. Hope i helped!
After you beat Blue in the last gym in the Kanto region he gives it to you.
Talk to the last woman at the counter in the goldenrod radio tower. You should get it there. In the kanto region though, you need to fix the power plant first. Then talk to the man in the brown suit near the elevator. He should give you the kanto radio card.
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