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you get the scanner on the abandoned ship.

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Q: Where do you get the scanner in Pokemon Emerald?
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Where is the scanner in Pokemon emerald?

actually the scanner is ina pokeball in rm 2........

How do you get a scanner in Pokemon emerald?

You find it in the abandoned ship.

Where do you find the scanner for the Pokemon FireRed game?

there is no scanner on fire red/leaf green. Only on ruby, sapphire, emerald

Where do you go after the abandon ship on Pokemon emerald?

Once you get the scanner, go to slateport and find captain stern, he will trade you a hold item for it.

How do you get the deepseatooth to evolve in Pokemon emerald?

FIrst you must get a scanner. Then you give it to a guy in the slateport port. He will let you choose between deepseatooth and deepseascale.

Where do you find the scanner in Pokemon emerald?

The scanner can be found in the abondand ship on route 108 in Room 2... but first you must have a Pokemon that can use the dive hidden machine and you must find the room keys to the other rooms that are lying in the rooms. Its is an easy process

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

How do you get yanma in emerald?

You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.

Abandoned ship Pokemon emerald?

the abandoned ship in emerald is a ship that halfway sunk into the sea a little while earlier in the game. you can find ice beam and rain dance in there as well as the scanner and it is a good place to train your guys

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Where is pal park in Pokemon emerald?

There is no PalPark in Pokemon Emerald.

Which is better pokemon emerald or pokemon leafgreen?

emerald no doubt