there is no scanner on fire red/leaf green. Only on ruby, sapphire, emerald
Chimchar is not obtainable in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen. The game it is in (Such as; Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.) is unable to connect to FireRed, unless migrating Pokemon from it, but Pokemon cannot be transferred into the Gameboy Advance games.
You can't find Turtwig on FireRed because he is in a different generation of the game. He is only found in Diamond and Pearl.
You can't find manaphy in firered because it didn't exist when the game was made if you want it you will need to play a game where it does exist in like diamond and pearl.
No you can't. Since the DS and Gameboy Advanced is not backwards compatible, you can't send a Piplup (from a Diamond, Pearl or Platinum) game to Pokemon FireRed.
you cannot get him on leafgreen or firered you have to trade from emerald or a gamecube Pokemon game like xd
It's not possible to find Sudowoodo in Pokemon FireRed. You will need to trade for one from a Pokemon Emerald game-save.
A person can find Frank in Pokemon FireRed by visiting the S.S. Anne. Frank is considered a rival in this game.
use game shark or you cant get it.
Chimchar is not obtainable in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen. The game it is in (Such as; Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.) is unable to connect to FireRed, unless migrating Pokemon from it, but Pokemon cannot be transferred into the Gameboy Advance games.
You can't find Turtwig on FireRed because he is in a different generation of the game. He is only found in Diamond and Pearl.
You can't. Misdreavius is in a fourth generation game (Diamond, Pearl or Platinum) and can't be traded back to a FireRed game.
Choose it as a starter Pokemon. You can't find wild starters in any game. As an alternative, you can get a Bulbasaur in one game and trade it to your other game.
A Game
You can't find manaphy in firered because it didn't exist when the game was made if you want it you will need to play a game where it does exist in like diamond and pearl.
Yes, Pokemon FireRed was made for the Game Boy Advance.
The FireRed Pokemon does freeze on your Shining Opal FireRed hack game because your RAM is low.
There is no BLUE flute in this game.