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The only woozworld cheats that are known are, /moonwalk and the "fireball" spell. they are really cool!

The cheats are one you can go up up down down left right left right then type BA but no caps i repeat NO! caps and hit enter that's a fireball and moon walk type in /moonwalk and to stop it /place walk

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Q: What are some wooz world cheats?
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What kind of wooz world cheats are there?

moonwalk and fireball

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There are no cheats to get wooz.

What is a password for free wooz in Woozworld?

There are no cheats for free wooz.

What are all the cheats in woozworld 2013?

there is some cheats for wooz .go on than you can figure it out by your self

Is there cheats in wooz worlds?

yes there is but it is a secret No there are no "cheats" in woozworld that guy above me was lying. This person above isnt telling the truth the truth is..... there are cheats for wooz world there is the fire ball cheat the moonwalk cheat and many more

How you have wooz without paying in Wooz World?

you have to pay to have wooz or be a VIP when you are a VIP you get 300 wooz free or if you want cool stuff but there is along way to be a VIP you can ask people you know very well have stuff but those stuff are with wooz you can ask them for a trade you the (thing you want) and she/he get something (that is valuable) from your own stuff (P.S. some times you know some people could give you there account and that account could have Wooz )or(you could ask some people they could pay to get you wooz(they would be very generous if they did that for you))or (some people know some cheats that you do this and that to get free stuff(but not any body could do that and beware some people tells you give me your password and ill pay and get you wooz and in a flash he changes the password and the account belongs to him

How do you get free wooz on wooz world?

say motherload of wooz

How to get wooz on wooz world?

working for it

Where is mya wooz on wooz world?

te night with Mya Wooz

How do you get free wooz in wooz world?

do the misions

How do you get a wooz money in wooz world with cheat?

how you do it

What was wooz world called before wooz world?

kids studio.