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Pikachu learns body slam not by level but by move tutor.

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Q: What lv does Pikachu learn body slam?
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What level does pikachu learn thunderbolt in red version?

Lv 26

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Lv. Move 23 Body Slam 43 Earth Power 58 Superpower

What level does pikachu learn electro ball?

Yes.Pikachu learns Electro Ball at lv 18

In Pokemon plantnum how do youget Pikachu to learn volt tackle?

you cannot teach him volt tackle. I had a pikachu lv.100 and it never learned Volt tackle.

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In Gold/Silver/Crystal: Pikachu Lv. 81 Espeon Lv. 73 Snorlax Lv. 75 Venusaur Lv. 77 Charizard Lv. 77 Blastoise Lv. 77 In HeartGold/SoulSilver: Pikachu Lv. 88 Lapras Lv. 80 Snorlax Lv. 82 Venusaur Lv. 84 Charizard Lv. 84 Blastoise Lv. 84 In Black 2/White 2: Pikachu Lv. 50 Lapras Lv. 50 Snorlax Lv. 50 Venusaur Lv. 50 Charizard Lv. 50 Blastoise Lv. 50

Where do you find TM24 in FireRed?

you dont find it but if you have a pikachu it learn thunderbolt(tm 24)at lv 26 or you can buy it at the celadon game corner

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Grovyle can learn a variety of moves.Here is a list. (Note:This list has the Diamond,Pearl and Platinum move sets.Grovyle will learn a move at the same levels in another reigon,but it might be a different move. Grovyle Lv.16 Fury Cutter Lv.17 Pursuit Lv.23 Screech Lv.29 Leaf Blade Lv.35 Agility Lv.41 Slam Lv.47 Detect Lv.53 False Swipe Lv.59 Leaf Storm Grovyle's best stats are special attack and speed.

In what episode of Pokemon does pikachu learn volt tackle?

PIKACHU doesent learn volt tackle at a certain lv. for pikachu to learn volt tackle get a pikachu and ditto then make the pikachu hold a light ball and put them both in the daycare center. the egg PICHU should have learnt volt tackle If you breed a pikachu or raichu (holding light ball) with a ditto, the pichu will know volt tackle.

What Pokemon does red have at mt silver?

Red has a pikachu lv.88,a venusar lv.84,a charazard lv.84,a blastoise lv.84,a snorlax lv.82,and a lapras lv.80.

What were all the Pokemon that ash used?

blastoise LV.84, charizard LV.84, venusaur LV. 84, pikachu LV.88, lapras LV.80, snorlax i think LV.82

What Pokemon does Red have in Pokemon Gold?

Pikachu= lv 88 Charizard= lv 84 Blastoise= lv 84 Venusaur= lv 84 Lapras= lv 84 Snorlax= lv 84 and espeon= lv 84

How do you battle red again?

He will be always there with the same lv 88 pikachu lv 84 charizard blastoise venusaur and lv 80 lapras and lv 82 snorla