you dont find it but if you have a pikachu it learn thunderbolt(tm 24)at lv 26 or you can buy it at the celadon game corner
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
While it was possible to find missingno. in Red version, it is not possible to find it in FireRed.
Zapdos doesn't learn it by leveling up. You buy or find TM24(Thunderbolt) and then teach it to Zapdos.
You can't find the Old Sea Chart in FireRed.
You can find Murkrow in the Lost Cave in Pokémon FireRed.
I do not know.But you can ask Andy Ngo.You can get Thunderbolt in the Celadon City Game Corner. Thunderbolt is TM24 and costs 4,000 Coins.
Thunderbolt is the move that is TM24.
You receive TM24 (Thunderbolt) from Lt. Surge after defeating him.
You can buy the TM thunderbolt at the game corner exchange.
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
While it was possible to find missingno. in Red version, it is not possible to find it in FireRed.
Zapdos doesn't learn it by leveling up. You buy or find TM24(Thunderbolt) and then teach it to Zapdos.
You can't find the Old Sea Chart in FireRed.
You can find Murkrow in the Lost Cave in Pokémon FireRed.
You cannot find Piloswine in the wild on Pokemon FireRed. You can find it's pre-evolved form Swinub in Icefall Cave on Floe Island in the Sevii Islands of Pokemon FireRed.
there is only one master ball that you get in firered