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The word that you can make with the letters A R K O H M C and S is shamrock. A shamrock is a green sprigged plant that is tradiotionally worn in Ireland on 17th of March to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Words that can be found in the word chocolate are:lateatecolahoWords that can be made with the letters in chocolate are:aaceacheactahaleatatecachecasecatcatchchatcheatcleatclotclothclothecoachcoalcoatcocoacoocoolcoteatechoelateetchhahalehalthathatchhateholehoothothotellalacelatchlateletletchloathelocatelocolootlotoatohtaleteateachthetotoletootool
In word search, many letters are scrambled around inside a box, with hidden words that make sense scattered inside. Usually, there will be a list of all the hidden words you need to find. To play word search, you must find every word in the list and cross the words out in the box. words can go up, down, diagonally across, through each other, and backwards in a regular game of word search, but some may change the rules when they create their game.
No single word ones but there is shamrock green and shocking pink.
Often one finds that English words are derived from Greek words. This couldn't be farther from the truth with the Greek word Polis. The Greek word Polis is found in modern words: metropolis, Annapolis,and Minneapolis.
Words hidden in the word 'crayon' are:aonrayrayonyon
Shamrock is a two syllable word.
Yes, shamrock is a noun, a word for a thing. The word shamrock is a singular, common, compound, concrete noun.
The words see, sever, and verse are hidden in the word serve.
The word "shamrock" has a short O sound.
The English word 'shamrock' comes from the Irish 'seamróg' which means 'little clover'.
The English word shamrock dreived in the 1570s from the Irish word seamrog, a diminutive form of seamar, meaning clover.
Words within words are called "embedded words." This term refers to words that can be found hidden or contained within a larger word. Examples include "beauty" in "beautiful" or "sun" in "sunny."
シャムロック Shamurokku