Words that can be found in the word chocolate are:
Words that can be made with the letters in chocolate are:
The letters can be used to spell hundreds of words including the 10 letter word chocolates and the 9 letter word chocolate. They spell the 8 letter words catholic and chalices. They can be used to spell 7 letter words ascetic, catches, chalice, chaotic, choices, clothes, coaches, coolest, elastic, ethical, hostile, isolate, lactose, latches, locates, stoolie, watches, whistle, witches and woolies.
Some words that mean 'to go back on a promise' are:renegedefaultwelshweasel outworm out
In the game 7 Words the answer is "mothballs." Go figure !
The French word for "chocolate" is "chocolat".
framboos chocolade are the words in Dutch. This is the translation of the word Chocolate Raspberry.
Neither. The word 'and' is a conjunction, a word to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Examples:We have chocolate and vanilla.I have to wash my hair and brush it out.We had a good time and we will definitely go back.
"Chocolate bar" is a compound word that refers to a type of chocolate candy.
The word chocolate originates from the word cocoa.Chocolate is just a longer word for cocoa.
The word you want is compound word.
the french word for Chocolate Cakes is " Gateau Au Chocolat. "
Another word for the color chocolate is "brown."
The word 'chocolate' is a noun, a common, concrete noun; an uncountable noun as a word for the substance (a material noun) chocolate; a count noun as a word for candies made from chocolate. Some noun synonyms for chocolate are: beverage brown candy flavor ingredient nut seed treat