goku and then piccolo continues to teach them after goku runs out of time on earth and has to go back to the other world.
Goten was 7years old when he did fusion with trunks.
In Dbz it is goten, but in the dbz movie history of future trunks its gohan cause since goku got sick goten was never born and gohan was trunks' mentor!
In his youth Goten trained with gohan, trunks,and his mother
Gohan and Videl kiss in a movie, not episode. IN FUsion Reborn (Funimation dub only) Trunks and Goten tease them, but they dont show the kiss.
I'm sure it's Goten because he knows the KameHameHa and he can make it stronegr
Goten was 7years old when he did fusion with trunks.
Goten is stronger because when they were kids Goten could have defeted trunks but he cheated
Trunks is stronger then goten
I would assume gotenks considering he is a fusion of goten and trunks... but it honestly depends what video game you are talking about.
It is a fusion Of Goten & Trunks . They look really cute for their Age Ahaaa ! wordd
yes you can, because goten and trunks fused and became gotenks
Gotenks, because he is a fusion of Goten and Trunks. Gohan is stronger. Gohan is stronger and better.
Trunks is older that Goten by a year. -
Trunks and Goten are about equal in power in Dragon Ball GT.
i think goten is the strongest
I dont no the episode..... But trunks is stronger than goten because trunks was the first one to learn how to fly and some people think that goten is stronger then trunks because goten was the one who stood up ad trunks didnt.... Well thats true but trunks was weaker because he was the distractor while goten was doin something stupid So thats why trunks is stronger then goten
He doesn't Trunks and Goten can only transform when they are fused because the fusion technique gives them more power than they have alone. You may have seen fan art with Trunks and Goten as SSJ3 but it never happened in the anime.