Flash is now TM 70. you can get this in the Oreburgh Gate B1 or at the Super Store in Veilstone City.
It's not a HM anymore in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but it can be bought as a TM in Hearthome City Department.
HM 05 is flash
you cannot get it!
In Pokemon Platinum, Flash is a TM.
Flash lost its HM status and became TM70 in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
machop is a good hm slave. he can learn rock smash, rock climb, strengh,. in Pokemon emerald nincada is a good hm slave but in Pokemon pearl flash is not an hm. any water type can learn waterfal or surf espacially palkia.
flash isn't a HM it is a TM
It's not a HM anymore in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but it can be bought as a TM in Hearthome City Department.
Look under the Bicycle Road, bring HM CUT and TM FLASH and HM ROCK SMASH with you. There's a cave at the north side of Bicycle Road.
the hm dive is not available in pearl.
Look at "How do you get hm flash in blue?" On this site.
hm 05 you sped
HM 4
You get Hm flash from the hiker in granite cave in dewford.BEWARE!You can only use flash if you get the knuckle badge from Brawly
HM 05 is flash
you cant