Often one finds that English words are derived from Greek words. This couldn't be farther from the truth with the Greek word Polis. The Greek word Polis is found in modern words: metropolis, Annapolis,and Minneapolis.
Polis doesn't have any wors stems! polis is actually a word stem itself polis means city. for example police has polis in it as a word stem!
"philía" is a greek word meaning "Love"
YES, XI is acceptable (it's a Greek letter). [HINT: All of the letters of the Greek alphabet are acceptable words in Scrabble.]
The word is made from two Greek words, pan and akos. Pan means "all" and akos means "remedy". The word went from Greek panakeia (= cure-all) to Latin panacea (= herb that would heal all diseases). It came from Latin into the English language in the mid 16th century.
The noun paradox or the adjective orthodox. I believe it is Greek for belief. Also, there is an antibiotic doxycycline but I'm not certain of it's etymology.
The word, politic, is derived from the Greek word, polis, meaning city/community. The Greek root word, polis, has been in existence for over 2,500 years.
indianapolis: a city
The Greek word is polis, from which we derive today such words as politics, political, politicians etc.
The Greek word for town is η πόλη(the town/city. The plural is οι πόλεις(the towns/cities). For simple words or sentences, just use Google Translate. It's much faster than waiting for an answer.
Some English words derived from the Greek word "polis" include politics, police, and metropolis.
The polis of Athens means the politics of Athens (city of Greece). Polis is the root word of politics. Polis is the Greek word for "city" or "city-state". The Polis of Athens would be the city of Athens. The word is a part of modern English words such as "metropolis".
The plural form of the Greek word polis is poleis.
Polis is a greek word for city-state.
it's Polis because there was no Greek word for city