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Q: What city to go to after the 7th badge in Pokemon pearl?
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Where is the 7th gym badge Pokemon pearl?

Snowpoint City.

How do you find the gym for the seventh badge in Pokemon Pearl?

In Diamond, Pearl and Platinum 7th gym is in Snowpoint Town.

Where do you go to get your seventh badge in Pokemon emertald?

You go to get your 7th Badge in Mossdeep City.

Where is the 7th gym in Pokemon pearl?

snowpoint city

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In Pokemon Pearl what do u do after u fight team Galactic and have the 7th badge

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After you get your 7th badge go to the lake. Then to the side of hearthome city that have Mt. Coronet and go to the top where the ruins is. Beat the two people and beat the boss and the legendary Pokemon will be waiting for you.

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go to viridian city after the 7th gym

How do you get to the 7th gym in Pokemon Gold?

Directly to the right of the city with the fourth badge.

Where is the 7th badge in Pokemon Gold?

The 7th badge is in mahogany town.

What to do in Pokemon Gold after 7th badge?

go through the ice path to blackthorn city and beat clair tp get the 8th badge

Where do you go after you get the 7th badge in Pokemon white?

You should go to Dragonspiral Tower, which is north of the Pokemon Center in Iccirus City.

How do you get to the 7th gym leader on Pokemon pearl?

You Have To Go To Snowpoint City You Have To Go To Snowpoint City