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Goku's father was Bardock, and his mother was Gine. He also had a brother named Raditz.

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Q: What are the name of goku's parents?
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Goku's father's name is Bardock.

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Who is gokus mother on Dragon Ball Z?

The name of Goku's mother is Kanza.

What is Gokus last name from Dragon Ball Z?

Son. His full name is Son Goku.

What is gokus last name?

goku's last name is son but in japan last name is said first (example: Son Goku,Son Gohan)

Is gokus last name son?

No its how they call him in Japan Son-Goku -Giga Drill

Who are gokus parents?

His father is Bardock, the Saiyan warrior. His mother is never mentioned.

Was gokus mom in a episode of dragonballz?

No Gokus mom was not in any of the episdoes of dragonballz's episodes

Who is gokus uncle?

his uncle is uncle joe joe bean there is proof

What is gokus real name?

Goku's real birth name is Kakarot. He is one of the main characters of Dragon Ball.