There has been alot of debates about this, there is no benco city. Unless there is,... :D
Go to Celaceon City northeast from hearthome
it is not realy possible to get there
In Pokemon Diamond\Pearl, you go to the Veilstone City Gym. In Pokemon Platinum, you go to the Hearthome City Gym.
Go to the GTS in Jublife City.
Jubilife city. go to the left of the Pokemon trainers school.
Synshrone city is not a real city in Pokemon Diamond.
Go South of Hearthome City
walk there
Go to Celaceon City northeast from hearthome
you go to sunnyshore city you go to sunnyshore city you go to sunnyshore city
you have to get dialga after you could go to sunnyshore city.
Cerulean City
Velistone City
You have to go east of eterna city.
go to eterna city
it is not realy possible to get there
In Pokemon Diamond\Pearl, you go to the Veilstone City Gym. In Pokemon Platinum, you go to the Hearthome City Gym.