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Go to Celaceon City northeast from hearthome

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Q: After you go to hearthome city in Pokemon diamond what do you do?
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How do you go to Hearthome city on Pokemon Diamond?

walk there

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Go South of Hearthome City

Who do you go for after the water dude in Pokemon diamond?

hearthome city leader

How do you find Fatima in Pokemon Diamond?

at hearthome city (where at hearthome city? no matter what i do or where i go, she's not in the gym.) she is at the Pokemon contest hall you will see her talk to her and she will go to the gym

How do you go to solecon city in Pokemon diamond?

its to the write of hearthome city after tons of trainers:(

How do you find bebe in Pokemon diamond?

you have to go to hearthome city and go though houses

How do you get to solaceon town in Pokemon Diamond?

Go east then north of Hearthome City.

Which entrance to mtcoronet to find dialga in Pokemon diamond?

go in by Hearthome city

Who do you go for after the water gym leader in Pokemon diamond?

hearthome city leader

How do you get a Eevey Pokemon Diamond?

i think your go to the house next to the Pokemon center in hearthome city

What direction do you go to get to get to Mt Cornet from Hearthome City in Pokemon diamond?

West / Left

What trainer has a burmy in Pokemon Diamond?

You have to go left out of Hearthome city and there is a trainer with one