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Go into her Gym and make it through the maze. She battles with Ghost Pokemon, watch out for the Mismagius.

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Q: How do you fight the gym leader in Hearthome city on Pokemon diamond?
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Where do you go after the forth gym leader in Pokemon diamond?

I think you have to go back to Hearthome city. There you can enter the gym and fight Fantina.

On Pokemon pearl What do you do after the 4th gym leader?

go to hearthome city and fight the gym leader there

How do you get to battle the Hearthome gym leader?

You can only fight the Hearthome gym leader after you have gone to Celestic Town.

In Pokemon diamond where do you go to fight the fifth gym leader?

She's in Hearthome City, but you have to wait for her to return, her name is Fantina[I forgot how to make her return]. She has: Mismagius, Drifblim, and Gengar[forgot the levels]. Obi Agbarakwe

When do you fight the 5th gym leader?

after you beat the 4 gym leader in hearthome city

What gym leader do you need to fight to use the move rockclimb on Pokemon Diamond and pearl?


What do you need to do to fight 8 gym leader Pokemon diamond?

a Pokemon with a good ground type move like earthquake

Where is the gym leader in heart home city in Pokemon diamond?

You can first find her in front of the Pokemon contest building. She will tell you that you are not strong enough to fight her. You must get the Coal (Rock), Forest (Grass), Cobble (Fighting), and Fen (Water) badges. Then when you return to the Hearthome City Gym she will be waiting after a series of puzzles.

Where do you see batiodon in Pokemon diamond?

byron the sixth gym leader u fight him in canalave gym

How do you fight the gym leader in hearthome city in Pokemon pearl?

well you know the route spliter once u get to hearthome go there and go through all that hell and wind up in pastoria beat pastoria and veilston the battle fantina freindly tip HAVE A FIRE STARTER POKEMON

How do you get past the news people to get to pastoria in Pokemon diamond?

You have to go to Veilstone City and fight the gym leader there first.

Where do you need to go to fight fantina in Pokemon diamond?

In Hearthome City go to Contest hall after you have 4 badges then u will see her go to gym get through battle hope this helped :)