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Go to the GTS in Jublife City.

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Q: How do you trade online in Pokemon diamond?
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Can you play Pokemon diamond online?

You can only Trade online.

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Can you transfer or trade Pokemon white to diamond?

No, but you can transfer/trade Pokemon from Diamond to White.

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You can't. You have to trade from someone from Pokemon Diamond to get it. If you can trade from Diamond...

How is the GTS used in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Using WiFi you can trade w/ others online.

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You can't trade Pokemon from diamond to shadows of almia, only from shadows of almia to diamond.

What Pokemon is number 360 in Pokemon Diamond?

Pokemon 222 on Pokemon diamond is (CORSOLA) there is Pokemon 222 and you have to gts trade or link trade it to get

Can you trade stones in Pokemon Diamond?

Only if you give them to a Pokemon and trade the Pokemon.

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon black to diamond?

No you can't trade with black to diamond but you can trade from diamond to black using the poketransfer lab. (you will have to have beaten the game before you can use the poketransfer lab). Hope I helped this is luke127 signing off.

How do you get RegisteelRegiiceRegrock on Pokemon Diamond?

You can't get them in Pokemon diamond, you must trade from Pokemon emerald.

How do you get sheymin on Pokemon Diamond?

trade Pokemon

Where can you get all the trade Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

you can get the trade Pokemon in jubilife city from the global trade station