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just ignore them, the more that they see that it bugs you, the more they will do it. also, dont take revenge, or itll just go back and forth between you and your freinds

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Q: I made a stupid mistake and now my friends won't stop making fun of me and making me feel down so what do i do?
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How do you make people to stop making fun of you when you didnt even do anything to them and but they still like you as a friend?

They need to make fun out of you to make themselves feel better....its like putting you down so they feel higher....either way, avoid them and make new friends. If they realize their mistake then the chances are that they'll change. Making new friends is easy, getting rid of old "friends" the annoying part.

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sometimes they may not know what their doing but do it anyway everyone makes a mistake in life even your best friend

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His stupid friends think that your not good enough for him so they feel they need to reject any contact with you but don't let them Get you down!

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Yes. A big fashion mistake.

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Ask them these simple questions and ask them to answer from their heart: Would you walk with me, stride for stride, when I need it? Can you count on me? Would you support me with anything I do? A saying is this (best friends): Friends are those who will walk with you, stride for stride. Friends are those who will never let you down. Friends are those who will count on you and who you can count on. Friends are those who will bond with you. Friends are those who will feel your pain. You will mistake some as true friends.

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of course his not his actually more famous now cuz of this movie and also i think his making a big mistake if he does quite his letting down alot of people/fans

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You have to correct your mistake. If it was something illegal, go to a manager there you trust and explain what you did. Explain how you feel about it and what you will do to make it right. Be prepared if it was something illegal for there to be other consequences though. Just do what you can to make it right. Once you have done that, put down the guilt. Move beyond it. It was a mistake and you learned what not to do the next time it comes up. A mistake is only truly a mistake if you learn nothing from it.

What to do if your best friend is flirting your girl friend?

It could be an innocent mistake, consider talking to him about it and asking him to back down. If he is a good friend this should resolve the problem. If he refuses you should consider getting better friends.

What do you do when you are thinking about to go to a friends house because your father is making you angry?

you should go to your friends house untill you calm down then go back home and maybe talk to your dad about why you were angry earlier.

Why do guys not usually show that they really care?

Because they are scared to show their feelings around their friends . Guy like to try to find a weakness in one another. It's stupid but true. Guys like to act like nothing can hold them down other wise their friends might think that they are wiped. Once the guy you like has realized your the right person for him, he'll stop caring about what his stupid friends think. I know this for a fact,. If you love him then you'll get over what he acts around his friends. It takes time but again if you love him you'll understand why he is the way he is, and he'll treat you great when away from his loser friends!

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You just have to rise above it because when it comes right down to it they are just being jerks. Act like they are really stupid for treating you that way.

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Yes, it should say "When he has his exam he does not go down."