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Q: What Pokemon trainer has Bulbasaur in Pokemon black?
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Which route is the trainer with a Bulbasaur in Pokemon platinum?

im sorry but there isnt one

How can you obtain a Bulbasaur in Pokemon black?

It is unobtainable in Pokemon Black in anywhere. You can get it by:Transferring it into Pokemon BlackTrade for it.

What Pokemon trainer in FireRed has the third evolution of Bulbasaur?

If you picked charmander your rival will eventually get a venasaur.

Where do you get the three stars for FireRed on a trainer card?

The three starsTo get the three stars you need to. Beat the elite fourCatch all 150 Pokemon (bulbasaur-mewtwo)Catch all 386 Pokemon (bulbasaur-rayquaza)

Who got a vinasaur in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Unless you choose bulbasaur the only trainer with venasaur will be your rival if you chose charmander..

What Pokemon trainer has Keldeo in Pokemon Black?

No one

Is there a Pokemon trainer with klang on Pokemon Black?


How do you run from a trainer in Pokemon black?

you can not

Were to find a trainer with an electrivier in Pokemon White?

I think you mean Electivire. Unfortunately, there are no trainer with an Electivire in Pokemon White. There is only one in Pokemon Black which is in Black City but Black City is not in Pokemon White.

Can you catch bulbsasaur in Pokemon Black?

No, you cannot catch Bulbasaur in Pokémon Black.

What trainer has a axew in Pokemon Black and White?

A trainer that has an Axew =D

Can you steal a light ball from a pokemon trainer in pokemon black?
