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the Xbox is a great console for any gamer. In my opinion the Xbox 360 is the best.

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Q: Which Xbox is better Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox Pro Xbox Elite etc.?
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Which is better Xbox 360 elite or Xbox 360 pro?

xbox360 elite

Is the Xbox 360 pro better then the Xbox 360 elite?

The Xbox 360 Elite is better because it has a higher storage capacity

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Which is better Xbox 360 pro or Xbox 360 elite?

there both basically the same. except elite has more storage space for games saves and that.

How is a xbox 360 pro diffe rent from the other xbox 360?

pro is more updated than arcade but elite and slim and even more updated and better

Can an Xbox 360 120gb go into a Xbox 360 pro?

Yes, a 120gb can go into an elite, arcade or pro.

Can you put a Xbox 360 elite Hard Drive onto Xbox 360 pro?


If you have 3 red rings on the 360 do they send you a knew console?

No, They send you a re-manufactured Xbox 360 in return. They will either fix your Xbox 360 and send it back to you or they will send you a different re-manufactured Xbox 360. They don't change the type of 360 you have if that is what you are asking. If you have an Xbox 360 Pro they will send you back either your Xbox 360 pro fixed or a different Xbox 360 Pro. The same goes for Premium or Elite. If you have and xbox 360 elite they send a re-manufactured elite back to you.

What is the difference between an Xbox 360 and an Xbox 360 pro?

u need to describe wut xbox 360 ur talking about on the first xbox 360, there is the pro,arcade,elite, and they're coming out with the slim xbox

How do you use xbox games on the xbox360?

yes you can but you have to have a pro 360 or elite 360

Can you use Xbox 360 harddrives with Xbox 360 arcade?

of course you can use with arcade,pro,and elite! (:

What is the difference between the regular xbox 360 and the xbox 360 pro?

The Xbox 360 Pro comes with a bigger Hard drive (GB). Also the Xbox 360 Pro usually comes with 2 games when you buy it. Please note that game play is the exact same between Xbox 360, Xbox 360 pro, And Xbox 360 elite.