The xbox Elite does NOT have built in wifi. Only the Xbox 360 slim has wifi built in, it is the newest xbox out. the elite needs a wifi adapter which costs 100$, the arcade, pro and elite dont have built in wifi, just the slim, which came out just a few months ago.
well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.
Yes xbox elite's can play xbox 360 games
The xbox 360 elite has 120 gb The xbox 360 super elite 250 gb memory that is the only difference between the two
i think xbox elite but there is a better xbox-the slim
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
Only the Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.
well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.
yes you can
well there's the xbox arcade, and the xbox elite, I have the elite. The elite can not get red rings which the arcade can get, red rings breaks your xbox and it is very common for arcades too. The xbox elite also has more storage which is really nice. I would buy the xbox elite
Yes xbox elite's can play xbox 360 games
Slim because if your thinking of getting the kinect it is much better with it (not as many cords) plus the xbox 360 slim has wifi, which the fat one doenst have.
Elite of course.
An xbox elite is simlpy an upgrade from the xbox 360 white edition. the xbox elite is black . Also the xbox elite has a bigger hard drive as well. Although it costs more i think it is a better xbox than the original 360.
Xbox Kinect is a game for the Xbox Elite and other versions you idiot!
No. The Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.
This is (KevXD) We are in the yeer 2009, and WE DO HAVE XBOX 360 ELITE