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You can't find one you need to train slowpoke to level 36.

Of course Slowbro can find in leaf green. He is in the

dungeon where you can find Mewtwo.

There are still atleast two other locations where he can be found.

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Q: Where do you find a slowbro in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How do you get slobrow in Pokemon LeafGreen?

how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one. how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one.

In Pokemon LeafGreen what level does slowbro evolve?

Slowbro evolves into slowking when you trade it while it's holding a King's Rock.

How do you get slowbro in Pokemon leafgreen?

You can catch or encounter a Slowbro at either Cape Brink, Berry Forest, Seafoam Islands or Cerulean Cave

When does slowpoke evolve in pokemon LeafGreen?

In Pokemon leafgreen, slowpoke either evolves into slowbro at Lv.37 or slowking, when you give it the item King's Rock to hold and then trade it.

What level does slowpoke evolve on in Pokemon LeafGreen?

level 37Evolves into a Slowbro at lvl.37Level 37.

What are the best moves for slowbro in Pokemon LeafGreen?

pshycic,surf,confuse ray,and body slam

Where do you catch a slowpoke in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u get a Slowpoke in the Seafoam islands. just roam around. u can also find a Slowbro if ur lucky

What moves does the slowbro of Lorelei have in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The Slowbro of Lorelei (Lvl 52) will have these Attacks -Ice Beam -Amnesia -Surf -Yawn There You Go. Good Luck!

Where do you get a lickatung in Pokemon FireRed?

Go to Route 18 and trade Golduck for a Lickitung. Pokemon Leafgreen Version requires a Slowbro instead.

How do you catch a slowbro on LeafGreen?

Train a slowpoke until it evolves to slowbro.

Where do you catch likitongue in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You do not catch "lickitongue" in leaf green. You have to trade a slowbro for it in the intersection of the left of Fushia city.

How do you catch a lickytung in Pokemon LeafGreen English version?

U will need to trade a Slowbro to get a Lickytung. There is a man in the building between Fuchsia City and Route 18, he is upstairs and he will trade his Lickytung for a Slowbro.