you go to the seafoam islands and go inside and look around for a slowbro or slowpoke you will find one eventually
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you cant unless there is a gameshark cheat for that
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
you cant unless there is a gameshark cheat for that
you go to the seafoam islands and go inside and look around for a slowbro or slowpoke you will find one eventually
Go to Route 18 and trade Golduck for a Lickitung. Pokemon Leafgreen Version requires a Slowbro instead.
mewtwo, abra, kadabra, alakazam, mr.mime, jynx, exegucute, exegutor, slowbro, slowpoke, slowking,
You can not get slowbro in fire red at all.
kangeskhan, poliwrath, beedrill, golem/graveler, nidoking/nidoqueen, slowbro, arcanine, machamp/machoke, hypno etc.
all hoenn PKMN,sandshrew,sandslash,vulpix,ninetales,bellsprout,weepinbell,victreebell,slowpoke,slowbro Slowking,staryu,starmie,pinsir,azuriill,marill,azumarrill,misdreavus,sneasel,remoraid,octillery,mantine are the PKMN not in firered
You can get slowbro by evolving a slowpoke, which you can get by trading from another Pokemon game, or catching it yourself. or leveling up (lv. 37)
how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one. how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one.
You cannot catch a slowpoke,slowbro or slowking on diamond version. You can on Pokemon pearl version though.