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After getting national Dex, simply trade from Fire red or Leaf green.Actually slowpoke can't be found in Fire Red...can only be caught in the Leaf Green version.-SatoresYou can't get a slowpoke on emerald but you can trade one from Pokemon fire red and leaf green. I think you can find them in the water.You cannot get a Slowpoke,Slowbro or SlowKing in Pokemon Emerald Verion for Game Boy Advance SP.You have to trade it via Fire Red Version.that's how I got my SlowKing.In Pokemon Firered you can get slowpoke in Seaform islands.You can get there by sufring right off the coast of Cinnabar Island.You can evolve slowpoke to slowbro by training it to level 37 and then evolve slowbro to slowking by trading it holding a kings rock.
you go to the seafoam islands and go inside and look around for a slowbro or slowpoke you will find one eventually
second floor in the seafoam islands
level 37
The Slowbro of Lorelei (Lvl 52) will have these Attacks -Ice Beam -Amnesia -Surf -Yawn There You Go. Good Luck!
You can not get slowbro in fire red at all.
You can get slowbro by evolving a slowpoke, which you can get by trading from another Pokemon game, or catching it yourself. or leveling up (lv. 37)
how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one. how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one.
Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix, Marill, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Staryu, Pinsir, & Misdreavus.
You cannot catch a slowpoke,slowbro or slowking on diamond version. You can on Pokemon pearl version though.
Well unfortunately you can not catch it in diamond. The Pokemon is slowbro if you did not know and if you really want one you can trade it over from a leaf green or fire red.
Slowbro is #80 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Psychic type Pokemon.
you can find a slowpoke in the caves in the ocean i cant remamber what there called but i beat Pokemon red,yellow,blue,gold,silver,xd.