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Q: Is slowbro a good Pokemon for Pokemon Red?
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What moves does the slowbro of Lorelei have in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The Slowbro of Lorelei (Lvl 52) will have these Attacks -Ice Beam -Amnesia -Surf -Yawn There You Go. Good Luck!

How do you get slowbro in firered without trading?

You can not get slowbro in fire red at all.

What Pokemon is on slowbro's tail?


How do you get a Slowbro in Pokemon?

You can get slowbro by evolving a slowpoke, which you can get by trading from another Pokemon game, or catching it yourself. or leveling up (lv. 37)

How do you get slobrow in Pokemon LeafGreen?

how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one. how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one.

What Pokemon can you get in Pokemon LeafGreen that you cant get in fire red?

Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix, Marill, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Staryu, Pinsir, & Misdreavus.

Where can you find a slowbro that is wild in Pokemon diamond?

You cannot catch a slowpoke,slowbro or slowking on diamond version. You can on Pokemon pearl version though.

Where can you find Pokemon 80 in Pokemon Diamond?

Well unfortunately you can not catch it in diamond. The Pokemon is slowbro if you did not know and if you really want one you can trade it over from a leaf green or fire red.

Which is better Pokemon slowbro or poliwrath?


What is the national pokedex number for Slowbro?

Slowbro is #80 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Psychic type Pokemon.

What is number 80 in Pokemon pearl on the pokedex?


How can slowpoke evolve into slowbro in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team?

you can find a slowpoke in the caves in the ocean i cant remamber what there called but i beat Pokemon red,yellow,blue,gold,silver,xd.