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Q: Which is better Pokemon slowbro or poliwrath?
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How do you get a Slowbro in Pokemon?

You can get slowbro by evolving a slowpoke, which you can get by trading from another Pokemon game, or catching it yourself. or leveling up (lv. 37)

How do you get slobrow in Pokemon LeafGreen?

how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one. how 2 get a slowbro on Pokemon leafgreenFirst of all its slowbro not slobrow,no affence.Its as easy as 123 to catch a slowbro just go in some grass near water.You should find one.

Who is better Poliwrath or Slowking?

In my opinion I think that poliwrath is alot better because of the moves it learns eg:dynamicpunch

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Where can you find a slowbro that is wild in Pokemon diamond?

You cannot catch a slowpoke,slowbro or slowking on diamond version. You can on Pokemon pearl version though.

What Pokemon does chuck have?

Chuck has fighting type Pokemon. He has 3 Pokemon, which include Machoke, Poliwrath, and Primape. Poliwrath is his strongest Pokemon, and he saves it for last. Be sure to bring a strong electric Pokemon to beat him easily.

What is the national pokedex number for Slowbro?

Slowbro is #80 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Psychic type Pokemon.

What is the national pokedex number for Poliwrath?

Poliwrath is #62 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Fighting type Pokemon.

In Pokemon leaf green what is Pokemon number 62 in the pokedex?
