arceus-my brother loves Pokemon and he answered it.also i think this is how u spell it
Correction: Blissey has the most hp out of all the Pokemon.
Well, it depends on what Pokemon you are talking about. (Every Pokemon's HP is different.) The HP of different Pokemon is different even at the same level. Even the same Pokemon may have more HP if it is trained rather than just caught from the wild.
Depends on the pokemon.
It depends on what its Nature, IVs, and EVs are. A level 100 Dialga can have a minimum of 310 HP and maximum of 404 HP.
Blissey has the most HP of all Pokemon.
its hp for me in Pokemon platinum, was 419 at lvl 100.
It Depends On What Level The Pokemon Is.
Waillord ex has 200 HP. Although Blissey has the most HP than most pokemon if trained right.
I would say go for a chancy or blissy the have a very very high maximum HP I have seen some with over 600 Hp at level 100.
Plusle has a base HP of 60. At Level 50, it can have between 120-167 HP & at Level 100, it can have between 230-324 HP.
No, there is no Pokemon with an HP value that high. The Pokemon with the highest possible HP value is Blissey, with an HP value of 714 at its highest.
Serperior's base HP stat is 75, which means at level 100 it can have at least 260 HP or at most 354.
If you have beaten the Elite Four then clone it. If you havent then you can buy HP UP so you can boost up your level 100's HP. It really all depends on what you want to do do with it.
If Jirachi has a Caractersitic that hinders HP growth per level (i.e. Highly Curious), defeats Pokemon that don't yield HP EV's* (i.e. Tailow), and doesn't have 31 IV's** for HP, then its HP at level 100 will be 310. If Jirachi has a Characteristic that promotes HP growth per level (i. e. Often Dozes Off), defeats Pokemon that do yield HP EV's (i.e. Slakoth), and does have 31 IV's for HP, then its HP at level 100 will be 404. *Each stat (i.e. HP) is allowed only a maximum of 255 Effort Value/(points) **Each stat (i.e. HP) is allowed only a maximum of 31 Individual Values/(points) and these values are randomly generated when you encounter the Pokemon. There are IV calculators on several Pokemon fan-sites (
the base hp of milktank is 100
Well, it depends on what Pokemon you are talking about. (Every Pokemon's HP is different.) The HP of different Pokemon is different even at the same level. Even the same Pokemon may have more HP if it is trained rather than just caught from the wild.
At level 50:HP - 202Atk - 128Def - 178Sp.Atk - 123Sp.Def - 200Spd - 128At level 100:HP - 394Atk - 251Def - 350Sp.Atk - 240Sp.Def - 394Spd - 251
Depends on the pokemon.