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there is only one place where u can get food and that is on the main street the shop is called gross-ery store and it has a big apple on it

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Q: Where do you get food on Moshi Monsters?
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How do you get food dye in Moshi Monsters?

You cannot buy food dye on moshi monsters

How do you get a code for food on Moshi Monsters?

There are different ways to get codes for food on Moshi Monsters. Codes for food are usually given in the Daily Growl. You might get a food code when you purchase a Moshi Monsters items such as Moshi Monsters Mash Up Trading Cards.

Is there a way to make food for the Gross-ery Store on Moshi Monsters?

No. All you can do on Moshi Monsters is buy food from the Gross-ery Store and feed it to your Moshi Monsters.

How do you get unlimited food on Moshi Monsters?

You get unlimited food on Moshi Monsters by earning Rox and buying food at the Gross0ery Store.

How do you call doc on Moshi Monsters?

You cant get a doctor on Moshi Monsters but you can buy loads of food to make you not ill can buy food at the food shop.Add me on moshi monsters my user name is thomk061

How do you call a doctor Moshi Monsters?

You cant get a doctor on Moshi Monsters but if your monster is ill you can buy loads of food at the food shop.Add me on moshi monsters my user name is thomk061

What do you get if you eat a rare food on Moshi Monsters?

I dont' think you get anything because there is no such a thing as rare food on moshi monsters

Can you use the stove on Moshi Monsters?

The Stove cannot be used to cook food on Moshi Monsters.

Are there are codes for food on Moshi Monsters?

Yes, there are codes for food on Moshi Monsters. Most codes expire after a certain amount of time. To get current codes for Moshi Monsters food, read the Daily Growl. also has an up to date Moshi Monsters code list. (See Related Links)

When can you play Moshi Food Factory on Moshi Monsters?

The Moshi Food Factory is available as of April 16, 2014.

Where is the food store on Moshi Monsters?

Moshi Monsters recently added a new place to get food. You can buy food for your Moshi Monster at the Gross-ery Store on Main Street or at McDolphins on Bleurgh Beach.

Can you get a pear on Moshi Monsters?

No, so far, there is not a pear nor a pear type food available on Moshi Monsters.