Go to pallet town and talk to your mum 5 times, however each time you do this wait for 5 seconds then go to indigo plateau the two guards will be gone go inside the left side and beldum shall be waiting there you you lvl 1
follow someone/bill to his house and talk to him. otherwise they did not create Eevee in shiny gold as you now shiny gold wasn't created by pocket monsters.
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
At level 40 only in shiny gold
we find it in goldenroad city . before beating the team rocket
Shiny eevee is silver a cool color for it u can name a shiny one silver and nonshiny gold because the non shiny is kind of gold
Yes you can, but that doesn't mean the Pokemon that comes out is shiny too
follow someone/bill to his house and talk to him. otherwise they did not create Eevee in shiny gold as you now shiny gold wasn't created by pocket monsters.
Probably but it would take a lot of time
in caves mainly,
No, the event ended on January 14, 2015
You can't catch a beldum in gold. I believe u can trade a foretress for one from Steven toward the end of the game ( not sure how check on you tube or on a website
you trade a fortress to a guy and you get a beldum holding a shiny stoneu have two choices ever chacht one from the safari zone or trade a fortress for one from steven
It has already been released. You can get it at Pokecommunity.
I'll trade for shiny Arceus XDOh and i don't take hacked ones.
you can catch spinarak in route 30