You don't need to have caught any pokemon. All you need is the event or the action replay code to make the event. Then go catch Arceus. You should probably use a master ball or ultra or timer balls.
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
Arceus has no cheat code for Leaf Green, because Leaf Green was released years before Platinum, Pearl and Diamond in which Arceus first appears.
There is no current code yet for rebattling arceus but if you have the Pokemon modifier code just throw away no master balls and you will run into arceus where you can encounter Pokemon
nentendo event sorry but i dont think its out anymore but i have darkrai
do u mean arceus
You can send it from Pokemon Diamond Pearl or Platinum after obtaining it form an event, or use a cheat code.
Arceus is real. You can get it with a Pokemon event or an Action Replay code.
There is no arceus event on gameboy games sorry! but for the DS one i would say to look up on your search engine (Google or what ever else) arceus event code for Pokemon diamond pearl or platinum hope this helps!
I think you are referring to Arceus. The Arceus event finished a few months ago. You can't get an Arceus in anyway unless you went to the event otherwise you have to get a cheat code to get Arceus.
Gamestop holds an event which has already passed but if you look up the code for the Pokemon modifier you can receive arceus.
you have to do the arceus event (tear) or you could just go to gamestop and buy an action replay and use the code for arceus then duplicate it at lv x
There have been no events in Soul Silver to receive arceus, and therefore there are no codes for it either.
there is no ho oh or lugia event in Pokemon platinum
Nintendo event or ar code
The only legit way is with a trade or take part in an Arceus Event Giveaway Only an Event Arceus will help you trigger the Event Arceus Event in the Ruins Of Alph, which will enable you to get one of the following 3 pokemon: Palkia, Giratina, or Dialga. If you cannot get ahold of an authentic Arceus, you might find an Action Replay Code of the Movie Arceus ot the Toys R Us Arceus. They might trigger the event. My Toys R Us code worked perfectly at triggering the event. I heard that if you can actually legitimately catch an Arceus in Diamond or Pearl, NOT PLATINUM, you might also trigger the same Event. I wish you all the luck.
no there is no such thing as the polychromatic plate