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Q: How much money was spend on video games in 2008?
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Which makes more money video games or movies?

Video games. In 2008 video games made 10 billion and movies made 9 billion. video games have been on a 25% rise ever since.

When was Spend My Money created?

Spend My Money was created in 2008-10.

How many video games have in 2008?


How many video games were launched in 2008?


What are the release dates for George Bush Money - 2008?

George Bush Money - 2008 was released on: USA: 30 December 2008 (video premiere)

What are the latest video games of 2008?

Go to this link it has all of the 2008 games,

How many video games released up to 2008?

Alot But I Would Say 10,000

What are the release dates for MarzGurl Reviews - 2008 The Land Before Time Video Games 3-15?

MarzGurl Reviews - 2008 The Land Before Time Video Games 3-15 was released on: USA: 8 June 2011

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The Angry Video Game Nerd - 2006 Bible Games 2 - 3.23 was released on: USA: 23 December 2008 USA: 24 December 2008

When was Video Game TYCOON created?

Video Game TYCOON was created on 2009-10-25.

How much money did the government spend on NASA in 2008?

The U.S. government spent 17.2 billion dollars in 2008 according to this website ===>

How much money do people spend online?

As of 2008 345 billion dollars was spent in the united states from shopping online.