You need action replay. You buy it at a store then hook it up to your DS or DSI the, you type in codes that you get from Youtube. GOOD LUCK :-)
Well if you go inside some poke'marts you can buy them from there. Hope this helped!!
You can buy them, at the Pokemon leuge thjey have evry kind of ball except master and cherish balls
Buy a Action replay and stuff
in the pokemon league after beating the elite 4 talk to each 5 times them YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE CHAMPION WITHOUT LOOSING 1 POKEMON AND THEN GO TO THE BLACK CITY mart and you can buy master balls
From what I know, You can't BUY master balls in Pokemon.
you can't you need to use an action replay code
yes,but you have to buy the updated version[it will say "Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver compatible"on the front of the box] there great cheats - i got all Pokemon legendaries! -x999 master balls! and - a lot of hard to get Pokemon!
you cant buy master balls but if u defeat the elite 4 and talk to pro. elm he will give u one
Master balls cannot be brought, only given or won.
You can't.
You need action replay. You buy it at a store then hook it up to your DS or DSI the, you type in codes that you get from Youtube. GOOD LUCK :-)
Master balls cannot be bought in any Pokemon game.
Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 Buy Master Balls Code: 82005274 0001
buy them at walmart
You buy them from the poke store or trade apricorns to Kurt and he makes them
i think you have to go to the drawing corner in dept store