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Well if you go inside some poke'marts you can buy them from there.

Hope this helped!!

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Q: Where to get net balls in Pokemon HeartGold?
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go cut your own balls... sucker! jepoy

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You get safari balls after you enter in safari zone and just in there.

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you can only get cherish balls on event Pokemon they are not obtainable

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give Kurt a blk Apricorn

How many master balls do you get in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Only one.

Where can you buy master balls in Pokemon heartgold?

you cant there is only one

Where do you get great balls and net balls in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire?

Great Balls:fallabor town Net Balls:Mossdeep city.

How do you get master balls in Pokemon HeartGold?

Using Hacks or just One given to you.

Where can you find Timer Balls in Pokemon heartgold?

Timer balls are only in Pearl and Diamond

Where are timer balls Pokemon HeartGold?

Timer balls are pokeballs but are more effective the longer the battle has been going.