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simple go and get the item electrizer and attch it to electabuzz and trade it with someone and then trade it back and there you have it a electavire in your party aka i dont where to get the item though cause i didnt do it my poke friend did

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Q: How do you get a electavire?
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Action replay codes to get electavire?

No there aren't codes for electavire i think

How do you get electavire in Pokemon pearl?

Get an elekid or electabuzz and train it!

How do you get electavire in Pokemon platinum?

Get electribuzz Electrizer and trade it

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give electabuzz it and the trade it then trade it back it will be an electavire

Does electrik evolve from any Pokemon?

Yes,from tynamo

Does anyone have an electivire i will trade you my Celebi for it?

I have 1 but im not able to connect via wi-fi right now until i get my new router. My electavire is lvl 55 I don't really care what lvl celebi is though but watevr lvl electavire you want i can get it for You(hacked or no hacked) i can get on wi-fi and i have a lv 60 or name anything else you want to trade just name it I have a pbr electivire! I'd love that espeon! (new) i have electavire its leval 42 and if you like you can have my level 20 omanite because its ugly and need to get rid of it

How do you evolve electabuzz on Pokemon pearl?

you need to trade electabuzz while holding the electrizer. It will evolve into electavire...only works in generation IV...

What Pokemon would you use to battle cyris in Pokemon pearl?

id say magmortar, electavire,machamp,ur starterpokemon,luxray,and any other Pokemon

How do you evolve electabuzz Pokemon in soul silver?

What you need to do is trade it. Trade to some other person who will trade it back. They'll witness the evolution of the new Electavire, but you won't.

Where is the electrizer in Pokemon FireRed?

There is none. Only in diamond, pearl, and platinum, looking for a reason? Okay. You only need it for getting electavire and there a none of that Pokemon in leaf green.

How do you catch the evolution of electabuzz on Pokemon firered?

You can't because it doesn't exist in firered migrate it to diamond, pearl or platinum then have them trade it with a electarizer or whatever its called and it will become electavire.

How do you get an elekid egg on soulsilver?

Put a electabuzz or electavire in the daycare with a ditto then walk around for awhile come back to get an egg hatch it to get an elekid.That might work but I think you can't.?