Put a electabuzz or electavire in the daycare with a ditto then walk around for awhile come back to get an egg hatch it to get an elekid.
That might work but I think you can't.?
To get an elekid you have to hatch an electabuzz with a ditto in the daycare and the egg will be an elekidYou cannot find an elekid instead you will need to breed an Electabuzz to recieve an elekid egg hatch it to recieve the elekid.
no as a baby Pokemon elekid is incabile of reproducing to make the "egg"
it hach is from an egg
elekid is baby pokemon of electabuzz... put a male and female in the day care. eventually u will get an egg which hatches and an elekid is breeded
you can't find it but you can get a egg of elekid by put a male and female eletabuzz in the day care
To get an elekid you have to hatch an electabuzz with a ditto in the daycare and the egg will be an elekidYou cannot find an elekid instead you will need to breed an Electabuzz to recieve an elekid egg hatch it to recieve the elekid.
no as a baby Pokemon elekid is incabile of reproducing to make the "egg"
it hach is from an egg
no but you can get it in crystal,gold,silver,heartgold and soulsilver
Level 30 in all games
Breed an electabuzz with a ditto in the four island daycare and then when the guy is outside he will give you an egg and when it hatches its elekid.
Level it up until it is Lvl 30
elekid is baby pokemon of electabuzz... put a male and female in the day care. eventually u will get an egg which hatches and an elekid is breeded
You put an Electribuzz and a ditto in the dayCare, they will then breed and you will get an elekid egg
Breed an Electabuzz in the four island daycare with ditto hatch the egg to get elekid.
you can't find it but you can get a egg of elekid by put a male and female eletabuzz in the day care