u have to get your stylus(stick)and touch the screen and move the dot close to the top of the screen of ur radio......
its not an app you just get the pokegear go to the radio and near the top you go to the top and it will play the pokeflute hope it helped :)
U go to lavender town in kanto and in the radio tower there will be an old man. U talk to him and he will give u something called the EXPN card. Then talk to the man in a little room on the first floor and he will upgrade ur pokegear. Then go to the snorlax, go to your pokegear, then go to the second to last bar on the pokegear. Turn the pokegear off on that bar and then click on the snorlax and it will ask if u want to use the pokeflute. And if u want to get past the snorlax u should say yes. then u walk through the diglett cave.
Solve the Power Plant problem, and then travel to Lavender Town. Then enter the Radio Tower and talk to the man walking around. He will give you a EXPN Card which will allow you to access the Poke-Flute on your PokeGear
to get to brock you first have too complete the power house issue then get the card for radio on your pokegear and go to the sleeping snorlax. and play the pokeflute song on the radio go to the cave and youre in pewter city
To unlock the Pokeflute channel, you have to restore the power plant (Get it working) and go to lavender town radio tower and speak to the brown hatted man and he gives you the radio card and go to the top star (Very top) and its the PokeFlute channel.once you have saved the power plant and beat misty the gym leader go to lavender town and go inside the radio station talk to an old man and he will upgrade you radioGo to Kanto's Radio Station and talk to the Gentleman in there, He'll tell you about something and now you can move the circle in your Pokegear radio to the top and find the pokeflute.
its on the radio in the pokegear
If you are referring to how to get the pokeflute, you don't. first go to Lavender town, go to you pokegear's radio and tune it to what is called "pokeflute"
get it first of all from somewhere and then to turn it on you go to your pokegear and click radio, tune in to the pokeflute music and the click on snorlax to vs him!
1: Go to the radio tab in your pokegear 2: Move the white dot to the top of the circle and that's how you play the pokeflute
Turn on the radio in the pokegear and tune into the pokeflute channel.
you use your music on the pokegear until the pokeflute plays then talk to snorlax
manually move the tuning dot to the top of the circle its in
put the pokegear radio on the highest part in the circle
go to the kanto and on the pokegear go to the top and there is the pokeflute.
its not an app you just get the pokegear go to the radio and near the top you go to the top and it will play the pokeflute hope it helped :)
you don't get the pokeflute you get a chip for your pokegear. this is located in the lavender town radio tower
The Pokeflute is on the PokeGear Radio with the EXPN Card. Just move the tuner circle to the top of the bigger circle and the song will play.