

Best Answer

Some words that can be made using the letters of "teacher" are:

  1. a
  2. ace
  3. ache
  4. act
  5. arch
  6. are
  7. art
  8. at
  9. ate
  10. car
  11. care
  12. cart
  13. cat
  14. chart
  15. chat
  16. cheat
  17. cheater
  18. cheer
  19. crate
  20. create
  21. each
  22. ear
  23. earth
  24. eat
  25. etch
  26. hare
  27. hat
  28. hate
  29. hear
  30. heart
  31. hearth
  32. heat
  33. heater
  34. her
  35. here
  36. race
  37. rat
  38. rate
  39. reach
  40. reheat
  41. retch
  42. tar
  43. tea
  44. teach
  45. tear
  46. that
  47. the
  48. thee
  49. there
  50. three
  51. trace
  52. tree
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Q: How many words can you make from the word 'teacher'?
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