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4th prize (1 matching number) = Background for dressing your Pokemon

3rd prize (2 " " ) = PP Up

2nd prize (3 " " ) = Exp. Share

1st prize (4 " " ) = Max Revive

Grand prize (match all numbers) = Master Ball

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Q: What are the lottery prizes for the Jubilife lottery on Pokemon Diamond?
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Where did you get a many master ball and where place did you get it?

you can either get many masterballs at pal park(clone them) or get one from the Pokemon lottery at jubilife city if you played then ask the lady in the counter if you got any prizes. hope i helped :D

Pokemon diamond what are battle points?

battle points known as BP are what you use for prizes at the battle tower.

What prizes are offered by the SC Education Lottery?

The SC Education Lottery has many prizes. They are one of the lotteries that is included in Powerball, that amount varies and can be upwards of $400,000,000. They also have prizes ranging from $1.00 to $1,000,000.

How to get past the 2 maids in Pokemon mansion route 219 on Pokemon diamond?

You can't. But on Pokemon platnium you can battle the maids standing at the left wing daily to win prizes.

On Pokemon diamond can you buy a razorfang?

It's one of those prizes you get at the Battle tower that you have to trade in BP for. Hope this helps!

When does the diamond pearl website come out?

join my forum: we trade, battle, talk, help each other in the game, and we have free Pokemon for prizes sometimes. its a Pokemon website.

Is it possible to catch Pokemon exe a nosepass in diamond when it is not swarming?

no but come to my forum: we trade, battle, talk, help each other in the game, and we have free Pokemon for prizes sometimes.

What are the prizes for the Princess Margaret Lottery?

There are nine incredible grand prizes. They are all properties. They are houses that are located across the United States. The Prizes also include Luxury cars such as a BMW.

Where are some of the places that one can participate in an online lottery?

There are several webpages which offer a lottery service. For example, try the official National Lottery webpage, where one can by tickets and scratchcards for prizes.

Is there any way to get arcures in Pokemon diamond and peal?

come to my forum: we trade, battle, talk, help each other in the game, and we have free Pokemon for prizes sometimes. we can trade u one there

How do you download Pokemon diamond eventsbecuase I live in Aruba?

come to my forum: we trade, battle, talk, help each other in the game, and we have free Pokemon for prizes sometimes. i can get you a legit event darkrai.

Is there a way to win the lottery in Pokemon sapphire?

It could be any of them!The number DOES change every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the more different OT number your Pokemon has the more chances to win for example traded pokemons have different OT Numbers