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The Pokemon Lottery picks a random 5 digit number that they look to match to an ID number of a Pokemon in your party and in your computer. The more numbers that match up with the ID, the bigger prize that you win. The prizes that you win, that I don't know.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago
WIN the lotteryTo WIN the lottery, you have to be very lucky for a start. Each day a new number is generated at random, and if all 5 numbers generated match your trainer ID (or the original trainer ID on your Pokemon at least) then you get a Master Ball. (there are prizes for 2, 3 and 4 corresponding numbers, but who cares about them?)

You can exploit this however. Though The method is not clearly explained. Something about saving at the desk of the lottery and restarting the game until you get it.

here is the method:

first check the clock in your house in little root, the clock in upstairs. note the time. then have all of the Pokemon you've gotten from trades and at least one of your own Pokemon, so you have the most id numbers possible. then, go stand right in front of the store clerk you gives you the lottery card and save before midnight. then wait until midnight has passed and talk to the clerk. if you didn't win, then you can reset the game without saving and it will be a different lotto number.

i was able to find for Pokemon trades in-game, making five id numbers. here are the prizes with their odds for 1 id number and five id numbers

last 2 digits match(---##): PP UP 1/100 - 1/20last 3 digits match(--###): EXP SHARE 1/1000 - 1/200last 4 digits match(-####): MAX REVIVE 1/10000 - 1/2000perfect five match(#####): MASTERBALL 1/100000 - 1/20000

so even if you rig it and have five id numbers, doing it ten thousand times would give you the same chances as flipping a coin for the master ball. good luck.


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LUCK (also you can try trade with Friends so you have multiple Id) BUt apart form that there is nothing

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loper The only way I know is to do lots of trading to get a variety of ID numbers

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